Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hacienda Fundraiser

Sell Hacienda gift cards and earn your own!

$100-$149 in gift card sales = $10.00 gift card

$150-$199 in gift card sales = $15.00 gift card

$200-$249 in gift card sales = $20.00 gift card

$250-$299 in gift card sales = $25.00 gift card
and so on

Gift cards are great for Father’s Day, birthday, co-worker appreciation, graduation gifts, family reunions, anniversaries, wedding showers, friends night out….

Gift cards may be redeemed at any Hacienda restaurant and may be purchased in any amount.

Money should be collected at the time of the sale. Orders and money should be submitted to Linda Hart by noon on Tuesday, June 1st.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Home again

Hi, I'm back! I just got home from my first series of treatments at the CLEAR Institute. It was hard work but it was worth it. I got 10 degrees of correction in the two weeks I was there. My posture looks amazing! However I'm not done yet. I need to go back to WI in 90 days to continue my treatment. That is where you all come in. I really need your help. I need to buy the traction chair to have at home so I can continue to decrease my curve. The chair costs $3800. My next week at the treatment center costs $2000. I need a lot of money but I know with all your help I can continue to get my back fixed. We will be doing different fundraiser all summer or you can donate on my blog using the DONATE button. Thank you for your help and prayers!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This is my story

It all started in April of 2006 when I went for my sports physical just before softball started. The doctor noticed that I had a slight curve in my back. She sent me to a specialist in Kalamazoo MI. The specialist suspected that I had Chiari Malformation, because of the direction of my curve. He sent me for my first MRI. It was confirmed that I had Chiari Malformation with Syrinx. I know those are big words. It basically means my brain was to big for my skull. It was being squished into my neck. Syrinx is Syringomyelia which is cysts in my spinal cord that caused scoliosis. In March of 2007 I had brain surgery to correct the Chiari. The doctor made my skull bigger and put my brain back where it goes. Then we had to wait to see if the Syringomyelia was going to go away or if it was cancerous. To every ones relief it went away. Oh, by the way it was caused by brain fluid dripping into my spine. The Syringomyelia left behind a 40 degree curve in my spine. That is where the disagreement began. It was three days before I was scheduled to have spinal fusion surgery. (My dad thought I should have the surgery even though the doctor said there was no hurry). I didn't want it. At least not until after high school. I am very busy and active. I had asked my mom to cancel the surgery but she knew that would cause a fight with my dad and she wasn't sure if she was emotionally up to it. But I prayed and mom grew stronger and then she did it, she canceled the surgery! The fighting lasted about 18 months then the judge talked to me and he decided that I am old enough to make my own decision about treatment. Just before mom canceled my surgery we had discovered the CLEAR Institute Last summer I went to Green Bay to have my initial evaluation. I have done my own research and I am convinced that non-surgical treatment is the way to go. Dr. Dovorney is sure he will be successful with my case. (He has a higher success rate than the University of Michigan where I was scheduled for surgery.) I am leaving April 26th for two weeks of intense treatment. I can't wait to update you all and let you know how it went. If you want to help me with the cost of my treatment you can make donations to my fund by using the DONATE button. Thank you for reading my story.

Sunday, March 14, 2010