Monday, May 10, 2010

Home again

Hi, I'm back! I just got home from my first series of treatments at the CLEAR Institute. It was hard work but it was worth it. I got 10 degrees of correction in the two weeks I was there. My posture looks amazing! However I'm not done yet. I need to go back to WI in 90 days to continue my treatment. That is where you all come in. I really need your help. I need to buy the traction chair to have at home so I can continue to decrease my curve. The chair costs $3800. My next week at the treatment center costs $2000. I need a lot of money but I know with all your help I can continue to get my back fixed. We will be doing different fundraiser all summer or you can donate on my blog using the DONATE button. Thank you for your help and prayers!

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